On Monday, September 30, 2024, an orientation session was organized for first-year students of the Double Bachelor’s Degree program in “English Language + Political Science” with the participation of the administrative and academic staff from both the Faculty of Foreign Languages and the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences at the University of Oran 2. During the session, students were provided with guidance and instructions concerning their field of study. The event was attended by the University Rector, Professor CHALLAL Ahmed, and the Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages, Professor BOUAYED-HAMIDOU Nabila. The Rector addressed the students, offering them valuable advice on the significance of this double degree program in enhancing their academic and professional competencies. He encouraged them to commit to their studies, excel in both language and political science disciplines, and strive for success.

Later that day, the University Rector, Professor CHALLAL, continued his visit to the Faculty of Foreign Languages, accompanied by Dean BOUAYED-HAMIDOU. He visited lecture halls hosting first-year students from various academic departments within the faculty. During his visit, he observed the start of the academic year and welcomed new students to the university, offering them further advice and guidance regarding their academic journey.

يوم الإثنين 30 سبتمبر 2024، تم تنظيم جلسة توجيهية لطلبة السنة الأولى في برنامج الشهادة المزدوجة “اللغة الإنجليزية + العلوم السياسية” بجامعة وهران 2، بحضور الطاقم الإداري من كليتي اللغات الأجنبية والحقوق والعلوم السياسية. حضر الجلسة مدير الجامعة، الأستاذ شعلال أحمد، وعميدة كلية اللغات الأجنبية، الأستاذة بوعياد-حميدو نبيلة، حيث قدما نصائح للطلبة حول أهمية التفوق في كلا التخصصين.

في وقت لاحق، زار مدير الجامعة المدرجات التي تضم طلبة السنة الأولى من مختلف الأقسام، ورحب بالطلبة الجدد وقدم لهم إرشادات إضافية مع بداية مسيرتهم الأكاديمية.

Orientation Session for Double Degree Students in “English Language + Political Science” with the Attendance of the University of Oran 2 Rector